Before you book a trip or any travel-related products or services with ‘Travel Kutir’, please read and understand the cancelation policy detailed below. We strongly recommend that you also read the Essential Trip Information to have a clear understanding of the itinerary and the style of trip you intend to undertake.
If you cancel some or all portions of your trip, you will be required to pay a cancellation fee in accordance with the terms mentioned below. A cancellation will only be effective when we receive your cancellation request over an email. If you cancel the trip:
- 28 days or prior to the trip start date, we will hold the deposit amount as a credit;
- 27 days or less prior to the trip start date.
If you leave a trip for any reason after it has commenced, we are not obliged to refund the unused services on the trip. You will not receive a refund if you fail to participate in a trip, miss out on a portion, or leave the trip before its completion. The cancellation terms mentioned above are in addition to the fees levied by accommodation providers, travel agents or third-party tour operators.
If we cancel your trip before the trip start date for reasons other than Force Majeure, you can either request us to transfer your amount paid in connection with the booking to alternate departure date or receive a refund.
If a trip is cancelled due to a Force Majeure Event, we can offer you a choice of one of the following options:
- A 100% credit of the amount paid by you in connection with the trip booking
- A refund excluding the unrecoverable costs
If a Force Majeure Event results in cancellation after the commencement of the trip, we can offer you a choice of a pro-rata:
- 100% credit for the days that remain on your trip
- A refund excluding the unrecoverable costs of the days that remain on your trip
Any credit resulting from cancellation under this clause 2 (Cancellation by Us):
- Does not bear an expiry date and may be applied towards booking any other trip offered by us;
- Is not redeemable for cash;
- Excludes flights, insurance, visas
A “Force Majeure Event” includes but is not limited to: acts of God; pandemics or other health emergencies; war; fire; explosion; breakdown; terrorism; political unrest; civil riots, blockades or embargo; earthquake; floods; windstorms or any other extreme weather event; passage of any law, order, proclamation, regulation, ordinance, demand, requisition or requirement or any other act of any government authority, beyond the reasonable control of the parties, whether or not foreseeable, which would make it unsafe or dangerous or not viable for a trip to commence or continue.